About Your Surgery

Click on the Frequently Asked Questions below to learn about your surgery.

The questions below may help you for before, during, and after your surgery.

Surgery Checklist

  • Call your physician immediately if you notice a change in your health between the time you saw your surgeon and the day of your procedure.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
  • Patients receiving general anesthesia MUST have a responsible adult accompany you to the center and drive you home following your surgery. Your surgery cannot proceed without your companion.
  • Bring your medical insurance cards.
  • Bring a current list of medications that you take regularly.
  • Bring containers to store your contacts, eyeglasses, hearing aid, etc.
  • Do not bring jewelry or other valuables, including wedding bands or body piercing.
  • Do not wear makeup, hairpins, nail polish, body powder, or contact lenses if possible.

If you are having general anesthesia or sedation for your procedure:

  • Take nothing by mouth after midnight the night before. This means that you cannot drink any liquids, eat food, chew gum, smoke a cigarette, or have a mint. If you brush your teeth, do not swallow any water. If your surgery is late in the day, please ask the nurse or anesthesiologist about having a light breakfast. This is important as your stomach must be empty when you receive anesthesia.
  • You will be instructed by your doctor or pre-admission nurse which medications to take the morning of surgery. Take medication with a sip of water only.

Before Procedure

What to expect before your day of procedure.

Day of Procedure


After Procedure